Coaching Clinics

Sport Initiation (CSI) Trained (U12 and below)
Step 1: Complete the Coach Initiation in Sport module HERE
Step 2: Register for CSI clinic HERE, attend the clinic
Step 3: Register and attend the Make Ethical Decisions (MED) with the Coaches Association of Ontario - HERE
Receive “CSI Trained Status”
Competition Introduction (CI) Trained (U14 and above)
Step 1: Complete the Coach Initiation in Sport module HERE
Step 2: Complete pre-clinic tasks HERE
Step 3: Register for CI clinic HERE (Pre-Clinic must be completed for the course option to show), attend a clinic
Step 4: Register and attend the Make Ethical Decisions (MED) with the Coaches Association of Ontario HERE
Receive “CI Trained Status”
Competition Introduction (CI) Certified
Receive “CI Certified Status” upon successful completion of steps above and passing the on-ice evaluation
Managers Certification Program
Step 1: Complete online Registration, submit payment, and complete the online program here
“Manager Certified Status” will show on your Ringette Canada coaching website transcript and will not show on your NCCP Locker Profile